
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Star of Wonder

I don't wonder
what the star that tops our tree
will, this season,
look down and see.

We're warm, and safe.
We're home and loved.
Our hearts, closets, cupboards and lives so full
that gifts
have been canceled this year...
....or already given.
All that's left is to spend lots of delicious time together.
Lots of it.

I do wonder
what the star that tops that Portland mall tree
will, this season,
look down and see.

And, I wonder
how many homes have no tree...
no star
no heat...
how many children aren't safe
or loved.

I wonder
about what to do, how to do it...
how to give
and make a difference, make it count.
So I ask the
Star of Wonder,
guide me, lead me, show me more.
Open the eyes of my heart
and shed your light
on a path
you've chosen for me.

O Star of Wonder, Star of Night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide me to Thy Perfect Light.

Linking up with 'Twas the Write Before Christmas
and Bigger Picture Moments


  1. its SO strong here!! still so many are displaced, but the community has come together....and everyone will share food, love and presents for the little ones!!

    i have never experienced anything like this and i love the feeling!! we are jersey strong!!

  2. This is beautiful. My husband is a high school administrator and he sees such a split between the behavior of kids who have enough love, food, and family, and kids who don't. We pray daily for all who suffer at this time of year, and continue looking for ways to give and bless and make a difference. Beautiful!

  3. Oh, my, Adrienne, this was so beautiful. I find myself wondering the same, asking the same, praying much of the same ... guide us to Thy Perfect Light. Amen.

  4. I'm reading this after hearing about the CT shooting, and I'm just at a loss for words. I hope we do find the light. I hope we do.
