
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Goat Island ~ Newport, MA

"True love doesn't happen right away; 
it's an ever growing process. 
It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs,
when you've suffered together,
cried together
and laughed together."
Ricardo Montalban

This weekend Brian and I headed to Newport for a marriage retreat. 
We've been to many over the years ~ all a part of taking time for us. Making us a priority.
I love weekend get-aways!
Saturday I got up and took a nice long walk. 
There weren't many boats in the harbor, but this old weathered gal caught my eyes...
just think of all the ups and downs she's weathered. 
Beautiful old thing.

Along the water's edge there were thorny stems.
No leaves, flowers or obvious beauty. 
I'm like this stem sometimes. Prickly. In the ol' sweats. Not at my best.
But the seasons of life come and go,
and I've been well loved through them all.

Time shared with good friends is always a great part of these retreats.
Time to laugh...laugh at ourselves...
and share what we're learning about marriage...about life...about love.

And there was some really good food too!

Here's our pretty hotel.

On Saturday afternoon,
Brian and I took a {doesn't-matter-how-long-it-takes} walk. 
Nothing like no schedule for a few days!

Aren't we cute?


We're getting close to thirty years of marriage. To be able to say that we're more truly in love now than we've ever been is no small thing. Our guiding lights have been God, His words, our friends....good sense...and {thanks to my husband} LOTS of laughter!

Linking up with 
and sharing quotes over at
Fresh Mommy
and sharing scenes from my weekend at
Bigger Picture Blogs


  1. Such a beautiful post...starting with that perfect quote. I just love how your photos and words weave together.

  2. Lovely set. I think "Green" is my favorite.

  3. Great to get away and wonderful that your love and bond is stronger now. Both of you are blessed !

  4. What a beautiful post, all of your captures are so lovely. And what a beautiful way to spend time with your husband. Congrats on almost 30 years, that is a memorable milestone!!

  5. What lovely images...and even lovelier words. Love takes work!

  6. Beautiful photos! Kudos to you and your husband for taking time for yourselves. I always remind my husband that after Kiddo grows up and moves on, we have to live with each other. :)

  7. Looks like a fun time and great place! I really like that red shot.

  8. Fun! I am dying to go explore Newport!

  9. your shs posts are always the best!!

    i adore weekend get-a-ways, looks like you had a wonderful time. in june it will be 35 years for the hubs and i, i have loved every single second!!

  10. Love the green glow of the lighthouse and the old blue boat. A marriage retreat sounds lovely, and it is nice to hear about love that lasts! My hubby and I have been married 10 years, and I love home much more now than I did when we married!

  11. I just love weekend get aways as well, and it's so great to see a couple that's been married awhile that still wants to invest and put time into each other... it's so important!! And what a beautiful place to be! Looks wonderful :)


  12. This delightful post brings tears! Beautifully told story through your words and images! The last is my favorite...the image and the words beside it! God has been our quiding light for over 40 years!

  13. What a lovely weekend getaway! I love that you continue to celebrate being together after 30 years. Looks like such a lovely place to stroll and tool around - that french onion soup looks absolutely scrumptious too! I'm glad you had such a great weekend together!

  14. The self portrait is my favorite! A gorgeous couple indeed! I love that you take marriage retreats. What a great way to put your relationship first!

  15. Love your wisdom, love your eye for beauty in the ordinary. Wish I was there!

    Nearly 30 yrs., eh? Us too. Jan.5, 1985. How about you?

  16. I'm smiling at your weekend. Putting each other into the spotlight intentionally ... gosh, do I long for that with my hubby. And, yes, you guys are adorable! Your weekend sounds like the very definition of rejuvenate!

  17. These pictures are gorgeous! And that food looks seriously yummy!

  18. This looks and sounds like such a wonderful time!

  19. Sweet, sweet post, Adrienne! It's so wonderful to read about the love you and your husband share.
