
Monday, May 19, 2014

Just Breathe

"To learn something new,
take the path you took yesterday."
John Burroughs

After a rainy start to the day on Saturday, we were blessed with a gorgeous weekend. With no set plans, I was able to spend several hours each day wandering, breathing the fresh air, and discovering new treasures on the many paths around my favorite pond. There is something profoundly moving about watching a mother care for her young. Mama swan "feathered" her nest...pulling her own feathers and letting them fall around the eggs. She dug her bill down deep and gently moved the eggs around, perhaps giving each an equal chance to be closest to her body. "Daddy" swan was never far from the nest...and extremely vigilant as he watched over his brood. Spending time with this scene each day was inspiring. Refreshing. It was good.

Though I have seen a turtle or two on the pond from time to time, I have never ever seen so many at once! They were everywhere! All the floating logs seemed to be loaded with sunning turtles - I must have seen close to one hundred of them on Saturday! They were often even piled on top of each other while catching rays....each new grouping brought a smile to my face. By Sunday, they were mostly "hiding" wherever it is that they usually hang I'll chalk my Saturday sighting up to some random luck!

And then....there were the treetops. Creating a canopy - so green with the new, young leaves. I found a few flowers lingering and some future beauties, still in the bud. I just couldn't stop looking UP! I followed a path that I'd never been on before, and was treated to many lovely new sights....places that, I'm sure, will become a part of my walking routine. But it's re-walking the familiar that holds my heart. That teaches me new things as the seasons change and time marches on. It still surprises me how much fun I have out walking by myself...just me, my two feet and a camera. If you'd have told me that five years ago...I would have never believed it possible!!

Joining Tamar and friends for
The Good. The Random. The Fun.


  1. You always find something new! Love that quote because it is so true! The swans are gorgeous! I hope you catch the eggs hatching one day!

  2. Oh wow!! We had a swan family in the creek by my house in NJ - papa swan is so protective, it's amazing!

    The weather was pretty stellar, right? I am SO sun burned but so worth it!

  3. Wow, these are so gorgeous! What a wonderful time you must have had exploring!

  4. took my breath away!! your swan is cooperating a little bit better then mine!! so excited for both of us!!

  5. ooohhhhhh and the dogwood, gorgeous!!

  6. SWAN EGGS?????? What an amazing find! I've never seen them before, thank you so much for sharing.

  7. Love the turtle reflection shot!

  8. So many amazing pictures - fabulous walk.

  9. Loved the turtles - but that dogwood picture - stunning beyond belief. What a wonderful place.

  10. I'm in love!!! These are so beautiful!!!!!!!!! <3

  11. beautiful pictures! i love the ones with turtles and the post production you made!

  12. All these images are simply amazing...and that you "caught" that many turtles in one shot really impresses me. My luck has been that they all vanish into the water before I can get a good shot.

    The ultimate images of spring...that is what you have shared here.

  13. Pretty, pretty, pretty! The color combo of the final shot along with your editing really pleases my eye.
