
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Wilderness of Your Intuition

Yesterday, while going through a box of old photos, I came across this picture of my son that I took almost twenty years ago. When he was six. My little guy spent hours on this chalet balcony, glued to his binoculars, looking out at the Alps. He'd never seen so much snow. He'd never been up in the heart of mountains like these. And he drank in in. Absorbed it all like a sponge. Once he was back in our little Paris apartment, he drew those mountains. He drew them over and over again. Each time, each mountain was covered with triangles. Hundreds of little, triangular pine trees. My little city boy lost himself to the wilderness that weekend. He discovered part of himself that is with him to this day. Give him a pocket knife, a sleeping bag, a friend or two and some woods....and he's in his element.

About an hour after I found this precious photo {and instagrammed it}, my quote-a-day email pinged my phone. And there was this stunning Alan Alda quote that I'd never read before! There was that phrase ~ the wilderness of your intuition. Wow. I know this is a notion that will sit with me for a long time. As it happens, I am leaving the city of my comfort - I have started to work with a doctor and nutritionist to tackle {what feel like} life long health and weight "issues" - oy. What will I discover as I head into the wilderness of my intuition? Will I be strong enough to trust it? Will the me that I discover there truly be wonderful? I sure as heck hope so!

Today was a good day. In the battle for courage I was sent a lot of ammunition. I found a favorite picture of my son. I discovered a quote. I was sent a sunflower photo, with wishes for a good day, from one friend at 8 am. And I got another sunflower photo and a big "I miss you" from another friend at 9pm. Now it's time for bed....and tomorrow when I get up, I will drink my water, take my vitamins...and do what I can to leave the city of my comfort.

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  1. Such an amazing photo and what a great experience and memory to hold on to. I so wish this for my boys and all of the experiences we're having here.

  2. Good morning Adrienne,
    Your post on your setting out into the Wilderness reminds me of The Pilgrim's Progress and the places he finds himself as he journeys toward the celestial city: the slough of despond, the hill called difficulty, the delectable mountains, vanity fair... Well, here's to you and I both having good, stout walking sticks - 'cuz I'm on that journey with you. (Did you, by chance, bring an extra roll of TP? LOL!)

  3. Love this quote, the picture, the whole story. I'm going to have this in my mind all day, because I can completely relate...but perhaps I feel a little lost out there in my wilderness, like I've lost my intuition! :)

  4. This is so sweet! What a precious memory to find! I feel, at the moment, that I am being thrown back into the wilderness. I am sure what I discover will be great.

    Happy Thursday!

  5. Wow, the quote and photo go together perfectly! And a word of encouragement: I've totally changed my eating habits and have found that over time I've grown to like things that I'd never even heard of before! Good luck!

  6. Son is so precious and what a creative photo ~ have that quote and it is inspiring ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. This is so sweet! I love that you have treasured up this memory for 20 years! I know that you will do amazing in your journey with nutrition. From what I see, you give your all to whatever you decide is calling. You got this!

  8. What a precious memory, and I'm glad it brought you inspiration for where you are today.

  9. i love the raw emotion of this entry, the quote (LOVE) and the image.

    ooohhhh adrienne, you are right where you are suppose to be and you are stronger and more wonderful then you can ever imagine!!

  10. Sigh...sending a long distance hug and feeling a sisterhood!

  11. I love the photo. What a wonderful thing for a six-year-old to experience. We recently took a trip to an aquarium with our 4-year-old and tried to help him find a souvenir. He didn't want a stuffed crab or a book. He wanted binoculars. Such a great gift for a boy who loves watching nature.
    I found you from Mama Kat's linkup!

  12. Wow, what a day and what a journey! Both that you're about to embark on and the one you've been on up to this point.
