Friday, June 1, 2012

Boys to Men

Have you ever asked yourself why?
Why do I schedule play dates,
plan sleep overs, feed teams of
hungry kids? Why do I take
extra kids on vacation, organize cabins
at summer camp and drive, drive,
drive, drive and drive some more?
What possible reason could there be
for all of our parental maneuvering? 

Well, sometimes fourth grade BFF's really,
truly, absolutely do stay friends forever.

Linking up with
Our word today: Reason


  1. A life-lOng friendship is such a beautiful gift frOm God and how your responded ... That's love.

  2. This made me tear up. True friends do last a life-time.

  3. oooohhhh you sound just like me!! i never had a van big enough for all the boys who needed rides!!

    we always brought the gatoraide, the orange slices and the cookies!!

    i did all the same things, to instill values, to show my boys that friendship can/should last a lifetime!!

  4. What a heartwarming post, and such handsome young men.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Look at those skinny boys when they were younger! Love it!

  6. Love it! My son is best friends with a friend from second grade, and I think that's just awesome!

  7. I just love this, Adrienne! My son also has a friend that he's probably had that long.

  8. This is a very poignant post. I haven't been a mother yet, but though I'm very young I know that some friends stay close forever :)

  9. Love this Adrienne. I treasure the friends I've had since childhood, as does my husband. He's been fishing and friends with one for over 50 years now. So glad you instilled that in your children.
