Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Black & White Wednesday ~ Woody, Jr.

I knew to wish for the cardinals and the blue jays.
I knew to hope for the finches, the robins and the wrens.
I had no idea however,
when we filled our bird feeders,
that a large family of woodpeckers would be our most frequent guests!!

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  1. I always enjoy the woodpeckers...great shot, Adrienne!

    @ A Place for Pictures and Memories

  2. There is something about their pecking sound. Love the rhythm of it!

  3. I love my woodpeckers! Bird watching is one of my favorite pastimes. I sit on my porch swing with binoculars and camera in hand quite often. xo

  4. i enjoy the woodpeckers, they are fun to watch!! they don't have the color of the cardinals and bluejay but their feather pattern is gorgeous!!!

  5. Better there than on your house! We've had to fight them pecking on our house before. They are beautiful too.
