Friday, April 29, 2011


Last summer my daughter got engaged.
Her first love is now becoming
Her true, life long and everlasting.

I wish for her a love
That lasts, like her mom and
Dad’s love. Like his mom and
Dad’s love. May their love out
Last the mundane and the murkiness
That invades every last person’s life.

I hope that when she wants
To have the last word or
Is tempted to put him last
On her “to do” list that
She’ll remember the day she vowed
To make it last, and reconsider.

I hope that when he wants
To list every last one of
Her faults or is tempted to
Think ‘that’s the last straw!’ that
He’ll remember the day he vowed
To make it last, and reconsider.

I wish for her a day,
A perfect, love filled wedding day.
Making the love last isn’t easy.
At times it takes every last
Ounce of strength you can muster.
But to that day, that one
Day, I attach the hope of
Perfection. Her wedding dream come true,
Down to the very last detail.


  1. I love the 'mundane and murkiness' line because its often the culprit of so much unhappiness.
    Beautiful poem for your daughter

  2. Adrienne, this is very touching and I can relate to all of those situations that you mentioned. I too hope that her marriage will last. It's great that you have given her some idea of the ways to make it so. I hope you write this one down and give it to her.

  3. Touching and sweet. We wish our children everlasting love and hope they have it and cherish it!

  4. I love the photo montage. The poem is very inventive, you used the word last so many different ways. But, most of all it is a great guide post for your daughter down the road. I wish her a perfect day, and a lasting marriage as well!

  5. A beautiful poem for your daughter and soon to be son in law. We mothers are full of hope for our children's future.

  6. I love how you wove the many meanings of last into this poem. Great tribute to your daughter's newfound happiness.

  7. Your daughter is lucky to have you! I agree with the others who have commented favorably about your very creative use of the prompt! I think I used it once!


  8. Wishing her every lasting good thing!

  9. I love every last line!

  10. How lovely - what every mother wishes her child and you have so eloquently said. Congratulations to your daughter and to your family. :)

  11. Your talent with words still amazes me - a beautiful poem. I wish them the best.
