Sunday, October 30, 2011

Winds of Change

"The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change."
the Scorpions

An October Nor'easter blew through town last night. Rare. Too early. Leaving me chilled and dreading the winter months. Sigh.

As we watch the season change, our lives are changing a bit as well.
Today we are saying farewell to a dear, sweet family that we love so very much.
They are rare treasures. And have enriched our lives for about a decade now.
We've celebrated graduations, weddings, births, 
and the comings and goings of many other close friends and family.
I feel like they're leaving too soon...but that's just selfish. Sigh.
It's their time, their adventure...and they're ready!
As the winds of change blow,
we wish them continued happiness...
and all the warmth sunny California has to offer.

Godspeed, dear friends.


  1. it snowed like crazy here but nothing stuck to the ground!!

    pretty photo of a beautiful family!!

  2. I actually know that song by the Scorpions. Very poignant song!

    Good luck to your friends. May the wind of change move them forward to the more of life ...

  3. Yes, that nor-easter changed things quite a bit, didn't it??
    I'm so sorry that your friends are moving away. That's always sad, but I'm sure you all will remain in touch... They're a beautiful family!

  4. Snow already!? I'm sorry to hear that your friends are moving, but it is warmer in California!
