Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will My Garden Grow?

"You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream."
C. S. Lewis

In January, I learned that pretty white flowers could easily be grown indoors.
I mean, if Debbie could do it, maybe I could too!
So, I ordered an indoor growing kit and
followed the directions. 
{which basically means I added water}
And now I have some pretty white flowers in my kitchen window.
On one of the coldest days of the year, 
they are a lovely reminder that spring will surely come!

I've always wanted to grow things.
To have flowering plants around me.
But I've never taken the time to learn how or pay attention to plants.
I think this might be the year.
I'd love to grow some of my own sunflowers.
And fill some flower boxes on our back deck.
Stay tuned!


  1. I'm not sure there is any flower so cheerful as a paperwhite. I love growing them and seeing them in my window or on my mantle. Lovely.


  2. Beautiful...and I always wanted to grow sunflowers too. I love them :)

  3. Beautiful...and I always wanted to grow sunflowers too. I love them :)

  4. those are beautiful! nice work. i'm hoping to (maybe) have a veggie garden this summer, but i need to take some time to do research and learn!

  5. How nice! I bet it is so nice to have blooms in your house this time of year.
