Sunday, April 1, 2012


"The present is the ever moving shadow that
 divides yesterday from tomorrow. 
In that lies hope."
Frank Lloyd Wright

The past is measured in minutes, months...millennia.
We reflect and learn.
Our collective history has much to teach us.
Our personal history instructs us.
In this knowledge, we find some hope.

The future is immeasurable.
We imagine and dream.
All our paths and purposes lie before us.
We challenge ourselves to change.
And in this notion, we find more hope.

I really love the idea that in the present,
in this ever moving shadow,
there also lies hope.
I tend to think of the present as that which
just is.
I try to "live in it"
and to appreciate it.
But the thought that living in the present
is living 
in hope
is exhilarating. 

I think this notion is wonderful food for thought!

Linking up with Tabitha

 then, she {snapped}
And with Rachel


  1. Beautiful reflections..both in the photo AND in the thoughts.

  2. Great food for thought , lovely post !

  3. LOVE all of it. I relish the idea that really, truly enjoying and living in this moment right here is living in hope. And I love living in the present. :)


  4. what a beautiful read, and an gorgeous photograph.

    there is always time for "reflection" here!!

  5. I love your words and that photograph is beautiful.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful photo! I love the silhouette of the buildings and the reflections in the water. Gorgeous!

  7. Beautiful photo. Someone once said to me that if a person doesn't have hope, they have nothing. I'd never thought about that, but it's true.
