Monday, May 14, 2012

Bud to Flower

I found this bush on a golf course yesterday.
No, I wasn't golfing...just wandering...
and there were blooms {on the same bush} in all different stages -
tight little buds
and wide open, reaching flowers.
It made me happy to see that all the blooming's not finished around here quite yet!

 then, she {snapped}


  1. what a beautiful series, it was as though you went back each day to photograph the changes. this was a great idea as i see the same thing on flowering bushes here!!

    you got some great close ups. beautiful color, crisp and clear!!

  2. Rhododendrums are one of my favorites! Such glory when they open up and cover the shrub!

  3. What a neat idea! Love the bright color of these : )

  4. I, too, thought you had photographed the same bud - almost like time-lapse!
