Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Black & White Wednesday ~ Lost

Lately, I've been lost.
oh, not in the "can't find my way home kind of way" 
or the "clouded over, confused kind of way"
But, I have been lost.
I've been wrapped up in a micro photography world.
Wowed, and wooed by the fuzzy buds already making an appearance at the end of tree branches.

Intrigued by the intricate veins in the fallen leaves that resurface from under the melting snow.

Enthralled by the end of a pine needle nestled in the moss on a frigid stone wall.

But the real magic.
My most favorite of all my lost-in-the-micro-magic moments lately...

...are the moments I've spent caught up in the fanciful beauty of these teeny, tiny dried flowers.

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and to see heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands,
and eternity in an hour."
William Blake

{all this micro magic brought to you by the iPhone & the Easy-Macro lens}

My Memory Art
Link up here to share your black & white photos!

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  1. I too have been lost in the macro world. Beautiful photos!

  2. Fantastic!
    And I like W. Blake...
    (Only Macro Photos not succeed with my little old camera - )

  3. What a beautiful world to be lost in.

  4. I agree, it's a beautiful world to be lost in. Beautiful shots. I love black & white.
    Happy Tuesday!

  5. These macros are beautiful in BW. Really allows you to hone in and focus on the gorgeous details.

  6. So pretty! I don't have an i-phone, or I'd be investing in one of those macro lenses!
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. One of the beauties of macro photography is seeing the infinite details in creation. Who can help but be marveled at the wonderful Creator we have? Enjoy getting lost!

  8. Your photos are wonderful! I love seeing the beautiful details in black and white.

  9. then i am lost as well....in your captures that is ;)

    i need to get one of these for my phone!!

  10. I'm amazed that you got such great macro shots with your phone!

  11. I'm amazed that you got such great macro shots with your phone!

  12. Wow, I could get lost in that as well! Those micro photos are so cool! I need to get a new lens to do that kind of photography! I shared about my childhood movie. =)

  13. I can't believe the shots you are coaxing out of that phone of yours! Does it really make calls too?!

  14. Who knew an iPhone could take such cool photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.
