Thursday, March 13, 2014

Six Word Fridays ~ Point

"No snowflake in an avalanche ever
feels responsible...and there is nothing
insignificant in the world. It all
depends on the point of view."
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

My Memory Art

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  1. amazing photo, and the words are very meaningful.

  2. A wonderful image and quote :)

  3. Nicely done! I think this was the hardest one for me yet....

    I'll be gone for a couple weeks, now, so use up your hard ones before I get back! : )

  4. Hi Adrienne!
    Got up bleary eyed and read your offering before I had tea. Big mistake. I sat there peering without my glasses and thought, "Did Goethe have an alias?"

    Powerful words. Beautiful picture.
    Happy Friday!

  5. that is such a cool, gorgeous shot :)
