Monday, June 16, 2014


Sunday turned into a good day.
{though it started out a bit rough - I was tired and moody}
Nothing a little jaunt up a mountain couldn't cure.

When I got home, there was some 
A little grilled salmon and something called "Quinoa Power Salad."

Then I settled in for some chores and a little photo editing.
Took some photos of RANDOM bugs you might enjoy...
...while pausing as I jaunted up said mountain.

Once back at the bottom, I saw some of the usual suspects around the pond.
LOTS of geese babies.
Well, lots of geese - period.
And a really pretty little brown thrasher.

I tend to be a solo walker when it comes to my trips around the pond.
It's really precious ME time.
But I love some of the pairs I spot...

Like this couple with their matching dogs.

Or these two having FUN in their kayaks!

There are few things that tug at my heart strings more 
that an elderly couple
hand in hand
walking slowly together.
Such a gift - a life long partnership
full of tenderness, affection and companionship!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Joining Tamar for


  1. So pretty!! That food is making me hungry! I also had a quinoa salad that I was jiving on all weekend - lentils, quinoa, olives, and sun dried tomatoes! Happy Monday!

  2. sounds like the day turned out perfectly!!

    and that last picture, wow, my favorite!!!

  3. So sweet!! I love seeing older couples in love. Brings me hope.
