Monday, July 7, 2014

Two are Better Than One

Well, that's been true for me, at least.
This weekend my 'other half' and I went to visit my dad.
Thursday night we worked together to fix and pack the food for our journey.
He kept me laughing in the kitchen...not always my favorite place to be!
Turns out the food was pretty darn good and ended up feeding all of us for most of the weekend.

We enjoyed many lazy hours on the back deck at my dad's house.
Perfect weather, good conversation, a little wine...
and a random blue jay who hangs out in their yard and eats the cat food!

So green. So peaceful.

My 'other half' 'better half' spent a few hours each day cleaning the yard
and trimming shrubs and moving heavy rocks.
Such a help.
Such a sweetheart!

My favorite part of the weekend was the long walk we got to take...
just the two of us.
Believe me.
I know how blessed I am to share the walks,
and the road trips...
the little moments
and the big events...
the laughter, the struggles, the victories and the joy
with my best friend.
With the one that I've loved since college.
With the one who, in spite of my "moods," always manages to make things fun!
Believe me.
I know.

Today's his birthday.
Tonight we'll grill out, hang out and stretch out together.
Like we do on most summer evenings.
On this tonight, however, we might just remember to be a bit more grateful than usual
that we get to
do this whole getting older thing

Joining Tamar and friends for
The Good. The Random. The Fun.


  1. Nice to spend some time with your dad! :-)

  2. So glad you had a lovely weekend!! How are you liking the book? It's been ages since I read that one!

    Happy birthday to the other half!

  3. Adrienne, how good it is that you are able to recognize your blessings and not take them for granted. Yes!

  4. Happy birthday to your dear hubby! Yes, you are blessed and so glad you have your soulmate! Yay for time with your dad, too. I miss mine painfully :(

  5. So sweet. Hope his birthday was wonderful. Love you guys.

  6. we are so lucky, so blessed!! it's just wonderful that you appreciate every, single moment!!

    so nice of the better half to help your dad with the yard work!! make trash look in the world do you do that!!!

  7. Such a sweet tribute to your honey! Hope he had a blessed birthday!
