Friday, May 29, 2015

Six Word Fridays ~ Serve

Once upon a time, a young
family of three moved to Paris.
Before long, baby boy joined in
and their little family was complete.
Like any little family, days were
filled with bottles and diapers, toys
and bed times, giggles and tears.
Time passed. Days turned into cereal,
school, parks, homework, dinner and many
more bed times. Just like all
of the families in all of
the cities in all of the
world. Except they were in Paris.

I don't know when the little
ones realized they lived in one
of the most beautiful cities in
all of the world - to them
it was just home. Their neighborhood.
The grand adventures on the Seine
and to the top of the
Eiffel Tower only happened when visitors
came to town. If memory serves,
their first trip to the top
included a grandpa and an uncle.
There were so many smiles, so
many ooh-la-las! No fear, just fascination.
No worry, just wonder...and lots
and lots and lots of questions.
They saw many of the monuments
and museums they would later explore...
from high above and far away.

Then they went home to play.
Back to the swings and sand
boxes of the little neighborhood parks.
As kids are, they were happy
for the adventure, but unaware of
the significance of what they'd seen.
But I knew....knew it would
always be a part of them.
For it was against the spectacular
backdrop of this great city that
my two littles grew and learned
how to live happily ever after.

My Memory Art six word fridays
Join us here and share your story,
six words at a time!

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  1. No idea why my thumbnail is black, oy!!

    What amazing memories they must have!

  2. children really do learn what they live....they have both had an amazing life!!!

  3. Love this - how long were you in France?

  4. What a love story and fabulous beginning for your children.

  5. Why do your nostalgic posts always make me so weepy...and look at those two sweet faces. I just love this: "I don't know when the little ones realized they lived in one of the most beautiful cities in all of the world - to them it was just home. Their neighborhood." Yes and Yes. My husband and I were just talking the other evening how our younger boy's earliest memories will be backdropped in Paris (like with your two littles)... it makes my heart flutter to remember that...

  6. I feel this way about my first two. They didn't realize how special that time was. It was just regular life. Now they long to really go see what it was like when they can appreciate the differences.
