Sunday, June 7, 2015

Loving Every Second of Spring!

The outdoors.
The GREEN that has taken over the paths at my pond.
Every hint of new life.
It means a lot to me....

Every where I turn there is fresh beauty ~
as a photographer it's hard to know which branch to choose!

Nestled in the green,
I discover that it's really the season of babies...
and whether they are snuggling down to rest,

or in motion,

they are what I'm looking at
whenever I possibly can!


  1. Hello, The baby swans and ducklings are just adorable. Lovely post and images. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day!

  2. Gorgeous photos! I went looking for baby ducks yesterday but didn't find any.

  3. They're so fuzzy!! The green is just gorgeous!

  4. My favorites are the baby swans and ducklings. I would be looking at them too if I saw them!

  5. Your photos are fantastic. All those babies and green nature.

    R. Täysin arkista

  6. it really is baby season!! it's getting hot here and the shore, i am more of a spring lover and it feels a lot like summer!!!!
