Thursday, June 4, 2015

Six Word Fridays ~ Go

{Through my father's lens, Paris, 1958}

Let us go. Together...on a
trip down memory lane. You'll take
me to Paris in the fifties.
You'll take me into the heart
of your dreams and I'll make
them my own. I'll dream of
the Champs Elysee, the iron tower
and men with baguettes and berets.
When my dream comes true, some
thirty years later, you'll visit me...
and we'll walk the golden streets
together. I'll be making new memories,
and you'll be telling me stories
from days gone by. This old
city cast it's spell on a
father and his daughter ~ held us
both in her magic arms for 
a time, and changed us forever.

My Memory Art six word fridays
Join us here and share your story,
six words at a time!


  1. you are the great story teller, the image is breathtaking!! you are such a wonderful team!!

  2. What a great story and image. Fab!

  3. How magical Paris has experienced three generations of your family... maybe more before that? and more to come? And she stands elegant in all the photos you've shown me, no matter the decade. I love that your father was able to visit as a young man and then again as a father.. how did that feel for him I wonder. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.
