Thursday, October 15, 2015

Each Leaf

Here's the thing about Autumn in New England.
I can never decide whether the swoon worthy landscapes
are more 
or less
awe inspiring than the transformation
and detail
I see in each individual leaf.

I could examine the changing leaves up close all day every day.
And never find two that are exactly alike.
Or that change in exactly the same way.
It's fascinating!
One individual miracle at a time.

Aristotle might have said that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
And I get that - in foliage and in life.
But hey,
let's not ever forget that each part is an amazing miracle
in and of itself.

I need to remember that about me.
Each autumn leaf is a soul soothing reminder
of how much magic there is in each of us!

Joining Kim for


  1. Those leaves, they are just so beautiful. Ours have yet to start to change! Beautiful words as always!

  2. I'm trying to examine the leaves more this season. I saw some awesome leaves!!

  3. What a great thought ...I agree each leaf is just beautiful. I remember pressing them in the big Chicago phone books, each leaf carefully preserved. Brought this verse to mind too, "“But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”

  4. ooohhh i adore the colors but those little hairs are just fabulous!!!

  5. Beautiful words! I love the details of life that really are magical when the time is taken to look.
