Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Giving ~ Day 22

"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
Will Rogers

From this morning's journal:

Give away: As feelings swirl and whirl inside of me about my parents, today I promise to give away regret, what-if's and if-only's. There is so much joy coming in the next days, and I want to have PLENTY of room for all of it!

Give access: Love. Let it in. Feel it. Believe it!

Give thanks: Home. Our home. Doors and hearts wide open and ready to be filled with family ~ I am beyond blessed to have found this space.

Joining Lisa


  1. I am loving how happy you are with your new home!!

  2. My quote I have in my computer room: God moved Me on and the 'What'if's' need to stay where they belong....IN THE PAST

    I am such one at my stage in life to have memories flood in, some are good, but a lot are incriminating ones of my life choices. I am fine, and I've done pretty much okay and have been blessed, but still, I find some I don't like. So your post is wonderful how you say there is so much joy coming....my word for year before last was Joy so I now do look for the Joy in simple things. You sound so excited for your days to be filled with family and your new place.
    Great post.

    Visiting from Life Thru The Lens and Pictorial Tuesday

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles
