Thursday, September 20, 2012

Come on In

Today I prettied up my doors.
Proud to say I crafted the
loveliness myself! Recycled a wooden basket...
{free find at the swap tent}
...filled it with berries and blooms.

Then, for the side door, I
took some burlap, wrapped a wreath...
another flower, a few more berries...
{my version of a pinterest find}
...and voila! I am welcoming fall!

So I'll fix cider, and heat
up some apple pie...and wish
that all my friends who visit
me here could just swing on
by and knock on my door.

My Memory Art

Our word this week is: Knock
{Knock if off? Don't knock it? A knock on your door...}
Please join us!


  1. Lookin' good! I could use some cider, too, yum!

  2. They look great! Makes me feel all cozy for fall!

  3. Beautiful. Perfect way to welcome Fall.

  4. What pretty, rustic-looking decor, love it! Cider and apple pie sound wonderful; it would be delightful to visit.

  5. such a warm welcome!! both are so pretty and best of all, handmade with love!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. Gorgeous! We have a scarecrow on ours but I have boxes of decorations that need to come up from the basement to 'fallify' our house
