Saturday, September 22, 2012


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough,
and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend."
Melody Beattie

My week has been full of crafting. 
Wreath making, framing, card making....
I'm loving it!
These "leftovers" are lying on my dining room table...waiting to find their place.
{shot with a little bokeh in the background}

I cracked open my scrapbooks and found a few pages that are frame worthy.
I've been gathering prints, decorating mattes and frames to get something ready for my bedroom.
Don't you love the burlap behind the prints?! 
Thanks to #PROJECTdecor
(check it out on Instagram or HERE)
I was inspired to try this by @becky_stevens.

One thing I've done as I'm fussing with my decor,
is to group objects of like color.
It's been great to take what I already have and, just by rearranging it, make our space more beautiful.
I love neutrals. So I feel bad saying this....
but here is an ordinary color grouping.

We are renters, not owners.
This stove was purchased in 1989. No joke. We got a copy of the owner's manual with our lease.
Three of the four burners work. And I have been known to complain about it. true makeover spirit...
I scrubbbbbbbeeed it clean, bought shiny new burner pans...
and am pretending that I've fallen in love with it!
{and, pots were not purchased in least I don't think they were!}

My workshop space is also getting lots of attention.
All my displays are getting updated.
Don't you love the graveyard fence with the friendly ghost?
Would be great for a Halloween layout!

I truly love devoting time to my home. 
Stay tuned for more completed projects this week!

Sharing a quote and some #PROJECTdecor love
with Tabitha
And enjoying Scavenger Hunt fun 
with Ashley


  1. Adrienne, I love that quote on gratitude! It is so perfect! I love all your photos. So pretty! I haven't done any fall things because summer has lingered a while but maybe now I should. I love fall!

  2. I just love that burlap background and something about the stove pic is so homey and lovely! Happy fall!

  3. Lovely! I really like your bokeh picture!

    Herding Cats

  4. Beautiful bokeh shot. And I like your ordinary color grouping - very attractive.

  5. Love the arrangement on ordinary color! I love those soapstone sculptures!

  6. We have the same exact stove :) three out of four of our burners work too.does the light display go out on yours and then you have to hit it to get it to come back on? ;)

  7. You look like you are all ready for Autumn! The decor, the pot on the stove....lovely.

  8. Great collection of photos this week!

  9. your take on the scav hunt is great! your fallen made me smile.

  10. I love the bokeh shot! You've captured the golden beauty of fall!!

  11. Adrienne, I love the quote and I love the rearranging. So great you framed your special moments :) Enjoy it all :)

  12. great take on the hunt this week. YOur fallen makes me laugh! Believing it is half the battle. Gorgeous bokeh! Here's to a super week ahead.

  13. Great interpretation of ordinary color. Love that perspective.

  14. Way to "fall in love" with your stove. Somehow it makes everything feel better when you pretend just for a second right?

  15. I love your colors and your old school 3 burner stove.

  16. Your bokeh shot look wonderful. I enjoyed seeing what you found on your hunt.

  17. The first shot is great! I love the idea of "falling in love" with what is already there.
